Archive | August, 2009

I’m a terrible blogger

23 Aug

I haven’t updated in way too long, but that’s largely because not much has changed. Here’s what has changed since my last update:

  • The feeling on the left side of my face is a little bit more normal. The occasional sharp pains have become less frequent. I don’t know whether I should expect this to get any better than it already is.
  • The tenderness around the site of the fracture has gone away.
  • Since the accident, I have experienced (but apparently have forgotten to write about) some pain in my left ear. I’ve generally assumed it was a result of swelling around the fracture. This hasn’t gone away completely, but it is a lot better than it was for a while.

As for billing, not much is going on. I paid my $25 bill from Alta Bates. I also received another copy of the bill from Berkeley Emergency Medical Group, and responded by sending them the information for the insurance that they had neglected to bill.